Over and over again we have been amazed at all the brothers and sisters around the world who have enthusiastically supported this Companion book. As so often happens, the project grew from the humble ambition of one man into a huge undertaking supported faithfully by dozens. Without the help and encouragement of the brothers and sisters from the churches in Bieselsberg, Germany, Lima, Ohio, U.S.A., and Cape Town, South Africa, who gave above and beyond what could have been expected or asked for, this book would never have been finished.
To Brother Lonnie Jenkins, who gave his approval and considerable knowledge to this project and was a major catalyst allowing us to bounce ideas off him and was a rock of support throughout the project.
To the enthusiastic staff of volunteers from our home church in Bieselsberg, who learned new software and applied their considerable artistic talents to this project as a labor of love, we owe a huge debt of gratitude.
To Sister Charity Sias, the award must go to the fastest layout artist and typesetter in the world. We greatly appreciate your commitment to this project and for your weeks of labor to bring all the content into its final form.
To Sister Kathie Strooh and Brother Desmond Strooh, for translating from the German-English into real English; we enjoyed working with you and can imagine how frustrating it must have been at times to comprehend what was being said. The countless hours you contributed was the bedrock of the success of this project.
To all the proofreaders, including our stalwart team of Sister Suzanne Brooks, Sister Rachel Pittsenbarger, Sister Virginia Smith, and Sister Margaret Ball, our heartfelt thanks. Your fastidious attention to detail was exactly what was called for to make this book as consistent in form and error free as possible.
To Brother Steven Strooh, who coordinated, checked text blocks and advised several of our volunteers with his knowledge of the “Message of the Hour” and his ability to “smooth ruffled feathers” as well as his understanding of the printing process.
Then, to all the behind-the-scenes people who supported this project in the three continents of Germany, The United States of America, and The Republic of South Africa. We cannot express our gratitude sufficiently in words. May your sacrifice and goodwill reap you many treasures in Heaven. We want to make special mention of Brother Hannes Conradie for printing this Companion book so beautifully.
Finally, we wish to acknowledge the cooperation and kindness demonstrated by Voice of God Recordings and Believers International, in Elizabethton, TN, for granting us the reproduction rights of their photographs. Similarly, we appreciate Oral Roberts University and the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International (FGBMFI) for allowing use of their photographs.